Why loxton wines

Offer your guests an alternative to water
at your next social event!

The Only Reason You Should
Choose Loxton De-alcoholized Wine

The Only Reason: Real Wine, Alcohol Free!

It has been found that, in order to retain the distinct wine flavours in a de-alcoholized wine, the components of the wine have to be dealt with individually and delicately.

We, therefore, use a two-process to de-alcoholise our wines.

Firstly, we isolate the flavour volatiles. These are then added back to the wine once the alcohol has been removed.

This means that our Premium Loxton low alcohol wines are essentially real wines without the alcohol. And not fruit juice!

Secondly, using the world’s leading alcohol removal technology, we remove 12% of the alcohol from our wines, reducing the alcohol content to below 0.5%.

This makes our wines almost alcohol free!

Our de-alcoholised wines are therefore real full-flavoured wines, without the alcohol.

Enjoy a Unique Taste with Loxton De-alcoholized Wine

Additionally, our alcohol removing process produces a de-alcoholized wine that displays clean, fresh “varietal” fruit flavours with complex flavour characters and bouquets that are not found in regular non-alcohol juices.

When Can You Serve Loxton Dealcoholized Wine?

Given that our wines are essentially real wines without the alcohol, we suggest that:

  • you can offer our red/white/rose Loxton still and sparkling wines to anyone who does not want to drink alcohol at parties, dinner parties or weddings.
  • you can also offer Loxton wines folks who cannot drink alcohol beverage for reasons such as: pregnancy, health reasons or a strict diet.

Don’t Feel Left Out!

Furthermore, there are many other reasons why folks will not drink an alcoholic beverage.

And they may feel left out having to settle for fruit juice or sparkling water…

But, with our Premium Loxton wines, such folks will appear to be drinking real wine, which of course our wines are.

So, have a few bottles of Loxton wines handy for such folks.

Going Out?

And if you are going out and are concerned about driving home, take a bottle or two of your favourite Loxton wine with you.

You will look like you are drinking real wine, which you are, and you won’t have to worry about drinking too much with the drive home at the end of the occasion.

Health Benefits

It has been reported that drinking wine has many health benefits.

Now you can enjoy the health benefits of real wine without worrying about the alcohol content.

Drink Suggestion for our Sparkling Brut

Our Loxton de-alcoholized Sparkling Brut Champagne can be an excellent base to create new drinks.

For example, our non-alcoholic version of a MIMOSA.

You will need:

  • 3 oz orange juice, chilled
  • 3 oz Loxton Sparkling Brut, chilled

Pour the orange juice into a champagne flute glass, then slowly add the Loxton Sparkling Brut. Finally, garnish the glass with a slice of orange.

One bottle of Loxton Sparkling Brut will make 8 servings.

Loxton dealcoholized wine, perfect for any occasion
Loxton dealcoholized wine, perfect for any occasion!